Day 40 - 50: Butter's Birthday!

Just an update before I lag behind too much.
Butter is doing well! 😊

We measured her urine pH value and it seems to be hovering between 6.0 and 7.0. All the measurements were done in the evening since in the morning everyone is just rushing off to work 💃

16 August 2017 - 7.0 - 8.0
18 August 2017 - 6.0
25 August 2017 - 6.5

We were still seeing drips of blood in her urine on the 23rd.

Previously, Butter also had a very bad facial skin problem which I presume to be some sort of infection. Her face were red and swollen with dirt growing from within her folds while her chin were filled with bloody acnes. While it could be a form of detox, it was getting too worrying for us so we decided to make use of this medical wipes called Sogeval Douxo Chlorhexidine 3% PS Pads. We initially bought it for Oreo -- another family French bulldog with skin issues, but we just had to fix Butter's face.

Within 3 days, Butter's face got a lot better with it being less red and swollen. Within 5 days, she stopped having dirt in her folds. The dirt was really the worse part of this infection 😪 Her acne is still healing, but it has gotten significantly smaller. The photo above was taken just two days ago so her face is clean ✨ Regretting why I didn't do this earlier so Butter could look prettier for her birthday photos ☹️

Here's the photos from her birthday!
